FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Say Yes To Heaven

Say Yes To Heaven

I’ve got another run and get right away freebie expedition for you guys!  Yasum has been on a roll churning out new release after new release, which I love, because she makes original mesh and her clothes are sized for Lara X (in addition to others) and let’s face it, they’re sexy and amazing quality!

Every 2 months or so, the owner Azlyn messages the group to apologize that it’s taken her so long to get the new releases back in store from the events, and then she sets one color from each set to 1L.  She states very often and clearly that she feels that even people who can’t afford much should have nice things, and I adore the sentiment and generosity.


So if you stop in to Yasum, step on the teleporter and wait for the holographic menu to appear.  When it does, click NEW RELEASES and it’ll pop you up to where you can find the 1L gifts.  There’s a little smile emoji guy next to everything she’s marked down to 1L, you just have to find it and buy it!  She always warns they won’t be up for long, but I never know when she’s going to take them down so go now, please 😉

Today I’m wearing the Yinda Dress, which is a gorgeous sheer dress with pearls and then a crochet lace overlay, and if you were daring, could wear each of those separately.   Perfection.  I love her tassels!  It come with panties too.  There’s a color hud to change the pearls and tassels and metal colors also.  It comes sized for:

  • Lara X/ Petite X
  • Legacy/Perky
  • Reborn

I counted NINE smiley emojis when I was there, but if you find more please let me know!

Lest I forget!

I added this pretty jewelry set I’d picked up on Marketplace from Beloved Jewelry.  It was a steal at 2L.  Gorgeous gold with emerald stone necklace and earrings with delicate gold filigree surrounding the stone.  You can find the set HERE.

Peace ☮️

♥ Beachy

Beachy is wearing…


Dress – Yasum*LX-Classic*Yinda-Dress* (1L gift/No group required)
Shoes – Essenz – Bangkok
Necklace/Earrings – Beloved Jewelry : Floral Pendant Set (2L on Marketplace)


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara X
Mesh Head – Lelutka Erin
Skin – Glam Affair FLO (Almond)
Tan Lines – .HS. Tan Line 32% – Dark Skins
Hair – Doux – Apple 
Brows – Nuve. Adele Eyebrows
Eyes– AG. Fun Eyes – BoM – 02
Nails – Rosary. Base Nails . Stiletto with Aura hud

Pose – Loel – Autumn Mood 01

SIM – Pulau Padar