FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

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Who Else Is Gonna Know Me?

Who Else Is Gonna Know Me?June is such a fun month in SL with all the happenings for pride. It just feels happy and hopeful, ya know?


I’ve had a relaxing stroll around London Pride Fest. There’s lots to see, plus lots of free gifts! In fact, there’s a free gift at each booth (plus some inside as well) and no group join is required to get them. I’m wearing two free gifts that I picked up there. My top is free at the Kevin Design booth. It features a bunch of pride themed graphics to choose from plus a solid version with no graphic in each color, all in a handful of colors. My shades are free and from Laconic’s booth, just right for a sunshiny day.

Shirt Sizes:

  • GenX Classic
  • Freya
  • Hourglass
  • Maitreya
  • Reborn

London Pride Fest started yesterday and will last until June 29th.


You’ll have to look a bit closer to see the other freebie that I’m wearing. Palette has put out a couple of new gifts recently, including a subscribo gift which is the pasties that I’ve got on today. They’re cute little heart shaped bandaids in a variety of colors that fit perfectly under everything. You can never have enough pasties, like for instance when SL gives you a slightly see through mesh shirt. So head to Palette to click the subscribo on the desk when you arrive, and you’ll be rewarded with free pasties. I assume it’ll prompt you to subscribe if you haven’t already done so, but I already was so they were simply delivered with a click. The free gift includes these sizes:

  • Legacy
  • Reborn
  • Waifu

Stay cool, FabFree.

Allison is Wearing…


Shirt – K.D Sofia Tank Top Pride (Free Gift at London Pride Fest/No Group Join Required)
Pasties – Palette Heart Bandaid Nipples (Free Subscribo Gift)
Shorts – Blueberry Solstice
Glasses – Laconic Pride Shades (Free Gift at London Pride Fest/No Group Join Required)
Earrings – Vibing Maia
Rings – Rawr! Mea Culpa


Mesh Body – Maitreya LaraX
Mesh Head – Lelutka Avalon
Skin  – Deetalez Melly
Tattoo – Vegas Good Feeling
Hair – Stealthic Honey
Pose – Lyrium