FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Hang On


Hang On

I know that us denizens of the Northern Hemisphere are starting to feel that coolness in the mornings.  My morning walk today was full of things that let me know Summer is coming to an end – the brisk morning temperature, some leaves starting to turn just a little, and even the cry of the Blue Jay which always lets me know it’s almost time to hang up the bikinis and get out the tartan.  BUT.  Happily Summer clings on for much longer in SL.  And you know I can never pass up a good bikini (yes, yes I’ve heard all the jokes…).  Let’s keep Summer alive!

Buzz Buzz

Bumblebee is always a great spot to head to for some free and well-crafted outfits.  I’m not quite certain how long this top has been out as a group gift, but they did send a little reminder in their group (which is free to join) to pick up the group gift and check out the lucky boards.  So, I did.  The Cindy top (which is a group gift) comes with an extensive HUD, so you can make it your own, and the shorts were an excellent match as I grabbed them off a lucky board when my letter came up.  Fab!


  • Freya
  • Hourglass
  • Isis
  • Legacy
  • Maitreya
  • Physique
  • Perky
  • Petite
  • GenX Classic (Top Only)
  • GenX Curvy (Top Only)
  • Kupra (Top Only)
  • Reborn (Top Only)

Psst…you can also grab these chunky earrings for 50L at the FLF Birthday Bash from LaGyo while they’re still there.



Aline is Wearing…


Top – Bumblebee Cindy Bikini Top (Free Group Gift/Group is Free to Join)
Shorts – Bumblebee Natalie Denim Short with Belt (Free Lucky Board Prize/Group is Free to Join)
Earrings – LaGyo Alise (50L @ The FLF Birthday Bash)
Bags & Fruit – LittleP Healthy Shopping List


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Lelutka Cate
Skin Applier – Glam Affair Cate
Eyes– Euphoric Dolly Babe Eyes
Tattoo – Sn@tch Filigree Sternum Tattoo
Eyeshadow – Alaskametro Earthtones
Lipstick –  Alaskametro Earthtones
Nails – Pure Poison Love Me Rings & Nails
Hair – Magika December
Sim – Evergreen

Author: Aline Passiflora

Aline loves to go shopping in Second Life, and buy all sorts of clothes. She also has a special place in her heart for cute freebies. Oh, and anything with a cat on it. xox http://www.alinepassiflora.wordpress.com http://www.fabfree.wordpress.com