FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

More Vive!


It’s always quite obvious when I’m sorting and posting.  Anyway… here’s some more of the Vive9 goodies!

The Vintage Aoki skins come in dark and light both scattered with freckles.

The Fresh Vintage skins have 6 different makeups and come in bronze and tan.

The Vintage Lumidee skins come in the bronze and tan skin tones with 4 different makeup options.

The Vintage Bella skins have tons of makeups and come with afro, ebony, light, and tan tones.

The Vintage Gemma skins have 6 makeups and come in the light skin tone.

Tired of seeing skins yet?  This isn’t even half of the skins that are free at Vive9!


*Vive9: Skin, Shapes (not shown), Eyes, Clothing, Accessories (L$0)
Vive ( 133/178/44 )

*Alice Project: Hair (Lucky Chair – L$0)
Jupiter ( 171/238/28 )

*Long Awkward Pose: poses (Not Free)
Festivale ( 89/85/29 )



Author: Renee Lowenhart

Fabulously Free in SL ☆FabFree Blogger: www.fabfree.wordpress.com☆ ★Owner of the FabFree and FabLucky in world groups★

11 thoughts on “More Vive!

  1. It’d be nice if you changed your shape a bit to suit the skinmakers skins 🙂


  2. I personally like my shape and have been using this shape (with a few tweaks here and there) since I first made it on day one in SL. I don’t change shapes ever. Sorry… but this is who I am in SL.


  3. I agree with Mimi. Not all skins suit your shape Renee. These skins are looking awful(especially the last two rows).

    I like how almost every skin suits Whisper’s shape. No offense but it would have been better had Whisper blogged these..I know you never change your shape..If something doesn’t look good, there’s a very little possibility that ppl will be interested in buying that (vive9 skins in this case)

    Love Whisper’s dressing style too 🙂


  4. I actually liked the way they looked on my shape…. to each their own.


  5. Omg what a joke, sorry like rl, sl comes in all shapes and sizes. And not follow the norm is a great thing. People tend to be cookie cutters in sl. Everyone with the same look and someone has the balls to be not same and you have the nerve to put them down?

    thought a program like SL would open minds not narrow them more!


  6. You know the old saying. A Good Skin looks good on any shape. Mimi, Sam, if you need to alter your shape for a skin
    then its not a good skin.


  7. @Sam

    I never EVER changed my shape.Its been the same since day one and almost every skin suits my ava just like Whisper and Farah..never seen them change theirs..know so many friends who do not like tweaking theirs

    I personally LOVE vive9 skins…I think they are pretty

    so may be it’s the shape only and not the skins 😉



  8. [edit] lol


    I never EVER changed my shape.Its been the same since day one and almost every skin suits my ava just like Whisper and Farah..never seen them change theirs..know so many friends who do not like tweaking theirs

    I personally LOVE vive9 skins…I think they are pretty

    so may be it’s the shape only and not the skins 😉



  9. I still think the skin looked fine on my AV and I’ve gotten TONS of complements in-world about the skin and my shape. What one person doesn’t like, the next will. We will change hair, skin, clothing and shoes, but by keeping our shape the same it allows us to at least keep something that is us.


  10. Okay, so I know this is SO 3 months ago, but after reading this I HAD to post a response…

    First I just have to say that I absolutely LOVE this blog Renee. I love seeing your posts, as well as Whisper’s, Farrah’s, Carson’s & Spudgey’s (and whoever else that puts their time and effort to show us all the fabulous freebies that are abundant within SL).

    Second, and more importantly, Mimi and Sam’s comments were just appalling! Your shape is lovely Renee, and shows skins just as well as any other shape. Yes, your shape makes skins look different than they do on my shape, but THAT is the beauty of having our own shapes! We can take the same skins, and by having our own shapes, look different. I think Mimi and Sam need to take a class on manners and common decency. How extremely rude and shallow they showed themselves to be. Shame on you Mimi and Sam!

    Renee, please ignore the rude comments from the superficial posters and keep doing what you do. 🙂 You are very much appreciated, and honestly, If they don’t like what they see on this blog, they are more than welcome to NOT visit. I sure hope one day they realize the world doesn’t not revolve around them.

    And Mimi, just in case you were unaware, throwing up a smiley face does not reduce the offensiveness of your comment, nor does saying “no offense” in your reply Sam. 🙂 No offense!


  11. aww thank you so much for this comment, Pamela!
