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Don’t Rain On My Parade

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Don't Rain On My Parade

I love the theatre.  My town has an incredible Arts district and I used to volunteer reading plays from elementary school children for one of our theatres to produce.  They would pick seven of them every year, and do short 10 minute skits, and then all the schools would make field trips to see them.   That was such a fun way to get kids inspired to act!

Flash forward to today, when I saw this gown that was just MADE for attending the theatre. So that’s what I did.  I went out to the Second Pride theatre district to catch a show.  The paparazzi was on hand and thought I was someone famous and important, all because of this gorgeous, glittery gown!

Funny Girl

The gown I’m wearing is the newest group gift from C!L and isn’t it just a stunner?  No Pride month would be complete without it.  The Love:Equality:Diversity Rainbow Sparkles Gown sparkles and shines on it’s own, and reflects the light gorgeously.  The C!L group is only 50L to join, and there are a bunch of other gifts there – but what a steal to grab this gown for 50L!  It comes in a ton of sizes:

  • Maitreya
  • Legacy
  • Ebody Reborn and Ebody
  • Standard mesh XS, S, M, L, XL
  • Belleza Freya/Isis/Venus
  • Slink Physique/Hourglass
  • Tonic Fine/Curvy
  • TMP
  • Ocacin

There’s even a notecard in the package that suggests a free EEP on Marketplace you can get to best show off the sparkles 😉

Bits & Bobs

I added a few other freebies to my gown you might be interested in.  The Chained Love earrings are a free gift at the Pride At Home Expo by Kumiho.  They come in various sizes for Swallow, Lelutka, Andore ears, and a full FP of Pride colors.  No group is needed to pick up all the free gifts, just pop over and collect them!  There is a donation box, and all donations go to support programs assisting the LGBTQWIA+ community.

My nails have been around a while but just in case you don’t have them, they are the Metal Pride nails by RAWR!  No group is needed for these either, they’re on the front desk, and you buy them for 0L.  There’s a few other NGN freebies there as well, and the group gifts too (her group is free).



Peace ☮️

♥ Beachy

Beachy is wearing…


Gown – :.C!L.: Love:Equality:Diversity Rainbow Sparkles Gown (Free Group gift/Group is 50L to join)
Halo – . Doe . Lovestruck Halo . Pride Edition .
Earrings – KUMIHO Chained Hearts Earrings v2 (Free gift at PAH Expo/No group join required)


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara 
Mesh Head – Lelutka Erin
Skin – Glam Affair FLO (Almond)
Tan Lines – .HS. Tan Line 32% – Dark Skins
Hair –Stealthic – Barbwire
Brows – Nuve. Adele Eyebrows
Eyes– AG. Fun Eyes – BoM – 02 (99L Pride At Home Shop & Hop)
Nails – RAWR! Pride Nails Metal (Free gift/No group join required)


SIM –Second Pride

Author: Beachy Piers

Second Life addict and live music lover ♥ Freebie hunter and newbie helper ♥ Fab Free Blogger and chatterbox ♥ Explorer, shopper and decorator ♥ Dirty Hippie ♥ These photos all taken in Firestorm with no editing tools, just EEPs. Our designers create beautiful things, no reason to enhance!

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