FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Leavin’ In a Taxi

5-15 No Match, Black Barry_001

Some people leave by jet plane when all their bags are packed. I don’t mind jet planes but I do need transportation to the jet plane. Hence, I am leaving in a taxi (I just sang that to you). I did pack too much clothing but wanted something ultra comfy for travel. Are there any rules about dress code in planes these days?

Styling For The Ride

There was a little earworm hiding somewhere yesterday. It told me about a free to join group with a free $350L card! I’m talking about BlackBarry. I’d never heard of or been to the store until yesterday. Of course after hearing the news I zipped over. Outside the entrance is a group join board. Once you’ve joined the group click on the gift card display located right outside the store entrance. There are two gift boxes on the reception desk. One of them is not operable at this time. Click the box with the picture of this dress to scoop this free gift. It seems that each dress/outfit is numbered. This sexy number is more than just a little black dress. This is gift box containing Gift #02. It’s an all-in-one outfit.


  • Belleza Classic & Curvy
  • Erika
  • Kupra
  • Legacy
  • LaraX
  • Maitreya
  • Reborn

There are also a bunch of promo boards around the parcel & store. These are up on time-limited vendors and the prices are very low. Check it out if you have time.

Hair Today (Maybe Not Tomorrow)

No_Match has an offer in the Happy Weekend Sale. This beautiful hairstyle with wispy bangs is No_Gravity. Each color pack is priced at $60L. If you like this style hurry over to the store to grab it before the price returns to normal. I’m a long time member of the store group as this is one of my favorite hair stores. There are two sizes included with options for regular, petite, and busty.

My Crowning Glory

Okay, here’s my disclaimer: My hat is priced over our $75L guideline. But, this was one of those items the makes you gasp & say, “I NEED that!”. And of course, I had to show it out. I absolutely love, love, love this hat. It’s a beautiful accessory to have and you can use it to style any numbers of outfits. The Capeline hat is from Azoury. There are all kinds of unique items in the store. So if you’d like to stand out from the crowd this is the store for you.

The taxi’s waitin’He’s blowin’ his horn



Cre is wearing


Dress – Blackbarry Gift #02 (Free group gift/Group is free to join)
Hat – Azoury Capeline ($90L for Happy Weekend)


Body – Maitreya LaraX
Head – Lelutka Billie
Eyebrows – Nuve Charlie Eyebrows
Shape – AW Shapes Dodge LaraX 

Skin – Velour Rose Kiss
Hair – No_Match No_Gravity
Lipstick  – Pout Lip Power (Free group gift/Group is free to join)

Pose – Infiniti Close 2 ($0L on MP)
Location – Tilheyra’s Bayou

– crecre-tagFabfree

Author: crecre

Blogger in Second Life. Involved in SL Live Music as artist manager, venue manager, & hostess over the years.

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