FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

10,000 members!


Wow! What an amazing 24 hours! We hit 10,000 members and as I write this we are at 10,254! Im so proud to be a part of such an amazing group and my last 3 months as a writer here has been an absolute blast. Congrats and hugs go to Renee, Farah and Tarsis and to each and every one of you guys out there who read the blog and participate inworld.

Special hugs go to the amazingly talented and generous designers who without them, we wouldnt be able to do what we do. These guys rock hardcore and I know I am so grateful for all of the gifts that you bestowed on us all over the last 24 hours. You are indeed teh awesomes and more.

Here Im going to show some of the gifts. I know Renee, Farah and Tarsis are going to show you some more. These are all available in the notices section of the FabFree group, so make sure you find them and then thank the people who made them!

The skin I am wearing in all clothing pictures is the Illusion Morningstar skin by Heartsick which was part of the gift donated by them and the hair I am wearing in all the pictures is the Emo hair in Black which is part of the fat pack of hair which was the gift from Darkerside

The Fabulous dress is the gift from Dressing Aphrodite and I am wearing it with the Fetish Shoes in Green which is the gift from Shes So Unusual Shoes. Also shown is the beautiful Thorn Choker which is the gift from Collared and comes scripted for anyone who would like to use its features.

The Orchid Balloon outift is the gift from Badoura Designs.

The Sweetness Gown is the gift from Flounce & Faun @ Silk & Satyr

The Cinderella Wedding Gown is the gift from Passionate Weddings

Cilian’gel gave us this cute snuggly warm outfit complete with scarf and legwarmers.

WOE gave us this adorable Kylei Pyjama’s set with a matching male set so you can snuggle up with your S/O and look all cute together.

Reasonable Desires gave us the gift of this Daisy’s lingerie set which is super sexy.

This adorable skin is the gift from rebeca Dembo

Heartsick gave us a two tones of beautiful skins called Morningstar and also included the exclusive FabFree makeup created for the 8000 members gift so everyone who didnt get the make up can have it.

Wow.. what alot! And thats not even half of it! Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for the rest of the FabFree team showing off some more goodies over the next couple of days!

3 thoughts on “10,000 members!

  1. Where is rebeca Dembo’s gift available? Is it a notice? or store?


  2. Should be in the notices for the Fabulously Free in SL group.


  3. nice!
