FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

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Enticed Again Just Before Midnight

Enticed Again

Happy Sunday, Fabulous Readers!  Over the weekend, as Ripley and I were out on one of our jaunts, a group notice from Entice popped up on my screen.  You all know how much I loved the Side to Side Midnight Mania prize that I blogged here last Sunday.  When I spied the words “New MM board – Dress with HUD,” of course, Ripley and I immediately made a bee-line straight to the Entice store.  I wove my way through the crowd gathered near the group gift boards, and gave the MM board a quick tap.  For this free Midnight Mania board, no group is required!  All that was left to do was cross my fingers, and wait for midnight to roll around.  Since the count was in the low 100’s already, I felt pretty confident I’d be greeted with a gift the next morning, and that’s exactly what happened.

As soon as I slipped on the crocheted, strappy “Tainted Love” dress, I knew right away I had another Fabulous Find to share with you.  The prize comes in five sizes, plus fitmesh for classic avatars, and after adjusting the alpha settings on my Maitreya mesh body, it fit perfectly.  In addition, it included a color- change HUD with three hues to select from.  I chose the icy, light-blue version.  I accessorized with this darling tennis bracelet from SG’s Designs and Milady’s K necklace (other initials available, too) in platinum.  I scooped up both of these baubles for 50L each on the Marketplace.

Next, I began the search for the perfect pair of shoes.  I think I tried on about every pair I owned (and take it from me, that’s a LOT of shoes), but not a single one fit the look I was going for.  Just when I was ready to give up, Ripley sauntered over, plopped his tennis ball at my feet, then stared at me intently with his dark, chocolate eyes.

“Not now, Rip,” I started to say, but he gave a gentle woof, and nudged his prized possession toward me with his nose.  Sighing, I tossed his ball and watched as it soared out of sight with Ripley in hot pursuit.  A few moments later, he returned, happily prancing, his magnificent tail wagging proudly from side to side.  Expecting to receive a slobbery tennis ball, I was amazed to notice that he clutched a gorgeous pair of thigh-high, white leather boots ever-so-gently in his mouth.  Believe it or not, Ripley had discovered the perfect footwear to complete my outfit.  Tucked inside one of the boots, I uncovered a slightly wrinkled receipt from Caramel’s Fashion for CF_boots//Michelle//White for only 40L.  It looked like my bargain-sniffing pup had scored again!  I slid the boots on and rewarded Ripley with a scritch behind his ears and his favorite Ripley snack.
Meet Me After Midnight

We traveled over to the Flux Sur Mer and Duet sims to snap a few photos and finish up our game of fetch.  We had to make do with an old stick since Ripley never did return with his beloved toy.  If one of you happens to find a slightly used tennis ball marked with the letter R, I’m sure Ripley would be eternally grateful for its return.  Until next Sunday, happy shopping, my friends!

~ Kat and Ripley

Kat is wearing…

Mesh Body:  Maitreya Lara

Mesh Head:  Catwa Annie

Head Applier:  Glam Affair Viktoria

Eyeliner Applier:  Izzie’s Catwa Eyeliner Applier

Eyes:  IKON Triumph Eyes in Denim

Necklace:  Milady’s K Platinum/Gold Necklace (50L)

Bracelet:  SG’s Designs Diamond Tennis Bracelet (50L)

Dress:  Entice Tainted Love – Crochet (Free Midnight Mania Prize 0L no group required)

Boots:  Caramel’s Fashion CF_Boots//Michelle//White (40L)

Poses:  LayingBounce This Hanako 2 (50L on the Marketplace)

StandingLe Poppycock Honeysuckle Air

Sims:  Flux Sur Mer and Duet
