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Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Snack Time



Lunch time may be behind us in my time zone, but this cute little burger is kinda making me hungry again.  Or perhaps it’s the gummy bears… time for a snack!

She’s the Snack

Let me start my post off with this cool jean dress I grabbed for free over at Crystal Store.  It’s their latest group gift, and I really like the easy-breezy feel of it for a mid-August look.  There are several different shades in the box (I even saw a black in there) and it’s girly without being cloying.  You can get yours by joining the Crystal Store group for free!


  • Kupra
  • Legacy
  • Maitreya


My foodie accessories that are giving me the munchies are all finds from the FLF Birthday Bash.  Sometimes on your first run through you might miss some of the goodies, so I love going through again and showing off something you may have missed.  I picked up the following:

  • 50L Gummy Bear Purse by Apika
  • 50L Gummy Bear Earrings by Apika
  • 50L Burger by Aardvark

Don’t forget, you’ve got til September 1st to visit!

You can look like a snack too, you know!


Aline is Wearing…


Dress – Crystal Store Sol (Free Group Gift/Group is Free to Join)
Bag – Apika Gummy Bear Collection (50L @ FLF Birthday Bash)
Earrings – Apika Gummy Bear Collection (50L @ FLF Birthday Bash)
Burger – Aardvark Burger Bear (50L @ FLF Birthday Bash)


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Lelutka Cate
Skin Applier – Glam Affair Cate
Eyes– Euphoric Dolly Babe Eyes
Tattoo – Sn@tch Filigree Sternum Tattoo
Eyeshadow – Alaskametro Cyberspace
Lipstick – Lelutka Cate
Nails – Maitreya Lara
Hair – Stealthic Rewind
Sim – B.Sori

Author: Aline Passiflora

Aline loves to go shopping in Second Life, and buy all sorts of clothes. She also has a special place in her heart for cute freebies. Oh, and anything with a cat on it. xox http://www.alinepassiflora.wordpress.com http://www.fabfree.wordpress.com