FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Heaven let your light shine down


Heaven let your light shine down

Good morning, FabFree! I’ve had a 90s alternative station streaming on Amazon Music most of the morning. I really need to do that more often, all of the songs are sooooo good. Does that make me old? Don’t answer that. I mean, I was in middle school or high school when I listened to most of this music, but I suppose that doesn’t really make a difference. Well either way, it’s been a lovely morning…good music and a bikini to show you…both are things that make me happy!

The bikini is not just adorable, it’s also FREE. It is the current group gift at M*Motion and the group is free to join. There are lots of cute little details like the ties on the sides and little beads at the bottom of the strings and along the middle of the top that make it just perfect. The free gift is this pretty striped pattern in 3 sizes: Lara, Physique, and Isis.


Allison is wearing…

Mesh Body: Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head: Catwa Magy
Skin Applier: Deetalez Snjezana
Eyes: Avi-Glam Reverie Eyes
Eyelashes Applier: Arte My Lashes
Hair: Exile Storm (at Collabor88)
Bikini: M*Motion C18-06 Basic Bikini (0L / free group gift / free to join)

Pose: Lune
Location: Alethia Island

7 thoughts on “Heaven let your light shine down

  1. wowee! Look at that water sparkle! Great job!


  2. Thanks Love! I spent longer than I’d like to admit trying to make the water look just the way I wanted it to. haha


  3. Thank you Kat! ❤️


  4. *Fills bathtub and turns up the Collective Soul* Nah, it doesn’t make you old……what makes you old is when your kid listens to One Direction and you tell them they will never be as awesome as the Backstreet Boys and they look at you and go, “Backstreet Grandpas?”


  5. Izzyyyyyyyy! I was just thinking the other day how much I missed you around here. By your definition I’m not old, my daughter’s favorite band is Kiss. lol She has been planning for months to be Paul Stanley for Halloween. Thank you for your support in this very serious matter.


  6. That’s so cool that she wants to be Paul. My 3 youngest have gotten together and decided to be characters from Supernatural.

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