FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

A New York State of Mind


New York State of Mind

Hello, fabulous readers! If you’re looking for a place to live with a bit of a retro feel, then I’ve got the spot for you! This beautiful, New York studio apartment can be yours for the low, low price of FREE! 😀

But first, a bit about the furnishings.

Fancy Decor offers a new group gift each month, and ALL of the past gifts are still available! The glass console table you see here is the most recent gift. Other gifts pictured here are the chair, lamp, bell ornament, picture frame, and the clasp boxes under the table. Just join the Fancy Decor in-world group, and these – plus many more – gorgeous home furnishings will be yours!

The artwork you see on the walls are free gifts from The Loft Furniture. They’ve been around for a while, but I thought they added the perfect art deco look to this apartment. You can find the gifts HERE, but in the event that you get tp’d back to the landing point, you’ll need to walk to the west side of the store to find them. Alternatively, you could do an area search for items that are 0L. There are 4 art deco posters available as gifts.

Please keep in mind that The Loft is a large store with many items so it may take a while to load all the textures. Sometimes teleporting out and back in helps speed things up.


Ok, now for the skybox details.

Apple Fall has quietly set this cozy New York Apartment skybox as a free gift. But in order to get it for free, you need to follow these directions:

  • When you arrive at the Apple Fall store landing spot, walk straight ahead towards the mainstore to the teleporter.
  • Click the teleporter and select “New York Apartment” from the blue menu.
  • Hop on the teleporter.
  • When you arrive at the demo skybox, walk around the corner and click the big “Buy Me” tag to purchase for 0L.

I don’t know how long the skybox will be available for free, so if you want it, don’t delay!

New York State of Mind

You don’t like brick? That’s ok!

Click on the back wall (the whitish part you see here) to change the textures. There are 3 different versions available, as well as a “blank” version so you can add your own textures.

Size is about 15 x 12 meters. 10 LI.

This is a cute little apartment with a cool view of the New York skyline, made with the quality you’d expect from Apple Fall. 🙂



Decor Items…
Apple Fall New York Studio Apartment (free gift / 0L)
Apple Fall Fabrique Rug
The Loft Vogue 1930 (free gift / 0L)
Apple Fall Canvas Tote
Apple Fall Grass Pot (50L)
Fancy Decor Swaen Dining Chair (group gift / 250L to join)
Fashionably Dead Cat 02 Sleeping Curled (50L gacha)
Fashionably Dead Cat 12 Curious (50L gacha)
Essenz Romania Shoe Decor (past gift, no longer available)
Sway’s Floria Hanging Plants
Fancy Decor Glass Console (group gift / 250L to join)
Fancy Decor Small Lamp (group gift / 250L to join)
Fancy Decor 2017 Ornament (group gift / 250L to join)
Fancy Decor Photo Frame (group gift / 250L to join)
Fancy Decor Clasp Boxes (group gift / 250L to join)
Dutchie Euro coins (free gift / 0L)
The Loft Jacks Iron
{what next} House Plant Eucalyptus
{what next} House Plant Rubber Tree 
The Loft New York (free gift / 0L)
The Loft Welcome (free gift / 0L)


Author: Serena Snowfield

Just a girl who loves photography, shopping, coffee, and dogs. Not always in that order.

8 thoughts on “A New York State of Mind

  1. I picked this skybox up! You are right, it’s fantastic!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Isn’t it great? Hard to believe it’s free!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thankyou for this detailed blog, Serena.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you Serena!!!! This will be fantastic for photos, parties, and just general use!!!! Great Find!!!

    Azure xx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Zerkalo has some nice group gifts that would fit this apt. too.


  6. I wouldn’t worry about it disappearing, it has been there for almost a year at least (I’ve had it since March 2017) so I don’t think it’s going away any time soon!


  7. Can confirm: still there almost a year after this post. 🙂


  8. Awesome! I am glad this is still available 🙂 Thank you for letting us know!
