FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Noobia has a new home!



Just a quick post today to let you all know that Noobia has relocated.

For those of you who are not familiar with Noobia, it is a place where residents, under 30 days old, can go to find advice, FREEBIES and most importantly a home!  If you or someone you know is under 30 days old, and need a temporary home, you can teleport to Noobia and you’ll find a comfortable, inviting place to start your SL life.  Your temporary home has all the comforts you could ask for…a kitchen, dining area, living room, bedroom and even a bathroom!  It even comes with a pose stand so you can start learning to edit your clothing, hair and accessories.  Best of all…it is FREE!
Noobia3 Noobia2

There are also lots of FREE items available, such as clothing, hair, shoes and AOs, at the landing area and a staff of volunteers available to help ALL residents, new and established, find solutions to their questions.

If you are a new resident, under 30 days old and need a temporary FREE place to call home, or an existing resident looking for FREE items or advice…head on over to Noobia…a very friendly place to start or continue your SL experience!  You’ll also find Noobia listed on our FabFree ’30’ days list page.  Stop by to say hi or just say thank you for all the work they do to help new SL residents.

Happy Day! ❤ ❤

4 thoughts on “Noobia has a new home!

  1. Wow! That’s a great offer for new residents! Thank you for the information Xiu! I am sure that will be helpful to many 🙂


  2. A truly wonderful thing for them to do. A pleasure to feature them. ❤ ❤


  3. Pingback: Noobia Moved…. smaller but better | Noobia: Embracing The Weird

  4. Pingback: ’30′ days list Wednesday update | FabFree - Fabulously Free in SL