FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

We’re all just Paperdolls

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Paper.Doll has reopened it’s store and to celebrate there is a small store wide hunt.  This is am extremely easy hunt for 4 shopping bags.  In the bags you will find the mesh hot pink Perry dress, a cherry Tshirt undies set, the mini hot pink Dalia dress, and mesh strapless rosebud sundress.

The beautiful Luce Della Notte Scura necklace and earrings are a WTG gift at Santorini Island.  Be sure to check out the surrounding stores because many have gifts.  The Summer Girl tote bag is a free gift at Les Petits Details.

The Zoe skin from HUIT is only L$55 at fi*Fridays for the fifty five linden Friday even.  This skin is a limited time offer so HURRY!  I absolutely love the new Ingrid hair from MINA Hair.  This hair is available for only L$95 in every color at My Attic at The Deck from August 21st – 31st.  The hair includes a texture hud to change the headband color.

The pictures were taken at Las Arenas Rosadas.


*Paper.Doll: All Clothing (Hunt – L$0)

*HOC Industries: Happy Flats (L$150)

*WTG: Luce Della Notte Scura Jewelry Set (L$0)

*Les Petits Details: Summer Girl Bag (L$0)

*Poetic Colors: Caramel Pearl Eyes (L$0)

*MINA Hair: Ingrid Hair (L$95)

*HUIT : Zoe Skin (L$55)

*Glitterati: Poses (L$0 – L$50)


Author: Renee Lowenhart

Fabulously Free in SL ☆FabFree Blogger: www.fabfree.wordpress.com☆ ★Owner of the FabFree and FabLucky in world groups★

One thought on “We’re all just Paperdolls

  1. Ty! I needed some new cute clothing.
