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Christmas Love


Yasum - Christmas Love

I know it’s a bit early, but THIS is the must have of the season. Get some Christmas Love from Yasum. The Christmas Love Skybox is a virtual Winter wonderland in itself.

Yasum - Christmas Love 1

There are several animations all through this skybox. You can decorate the tree outside or help build a snowman.

Yasum - Christmas Love 2

Try sitting by the warm fire to thaw out after playing in the snow.

Yasum - Christmas Love 3

Or spread a little holiday magic around the Christmas tree. There are many more holiday animations to play with.  Join the Yasum group to get this winter play land.

Yasum - Christmas Love5

* Yasum  –  Christmas Love Skybox ($0L)
Group Gift


Author: Carson Caiben

Blogger, troublemaker, (according to certain fellow bloggers) can be quite vexing, but an all around good guy. Please send review copies in a folder with any information necessary such as, Hunt, Lucky Chair, Midnight Mania Board, Group Gift and dates the item will be available.

7 thoughts on “Christmas Love

  1. Yes, yes I am cool! (and so is the skybox)


  2. Oh Carson… /me shakes her head lol


  3. /me listens to Jingle Bells playing while Love shakes her head. Thanks for the holiday music. 🙂


  4. :O Ohhh no you didn’t!
    ETA – /me pushes over your snowman 😛


  5. where is the group gift? I looked in the group notices and didn’t see it there and there are several different teleporters. Also a lot of lag…went over a couple minutes ago and the sim owner is restarting the sim.


  6. You have to walk INTO the store and find the large board with pictures of the skybox. There are three teleporters in front of the display to take you to the skybox where you can get the gift.
