FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

b[ELLE]issima! paws & furry tails

Acid & Mala members can pick up several gifts in store.  The red Xmas Turtleneck has male and female sizes and is a group gift for Acid & Mala group members.  There is a L$10 fee to join the Acid & Mala update group.  The black mini Rudolf turtleneck is the Christmas hunt (look for the Christmas ball) gift at Acid & Mala and the unisex Cowtrie-Shell necklace is the gift in A Depraved New Year hunt.

Once I saw the Cat Walker black paws and furry tail set in the lucky chair at Acid & Mala I knew I would be waiting until I won the prize.  These feet and tail look so much fun! The Elle Laine skin from b[ELLE]issima! is coming soon.  There are new midnight mania gifts at b[ELLE]issima! of male and female skins.  Only 70 slaps needed, so get on board quick!  The URC519 hair was sent to Boon update group members in a fatpack of colors.  Men keep an eye on this group because the notice said there would be a gift for you guys too soon!


*Acid & Mala: Black Jeans (Group – L$0)
Malula ( 130/79/49 )

*Cool Beans: Black Jeans (Group – L$0)
Cite des Ases ( 74/155/23 )

*b[ELLE]issima!: Elle Laine Skin (Coming Soon)
Taygete ( 201/179/26 )

*Boon: URC519 Hair (Group – L$0)
SAIKIN ( 129/125/699 )

*Glitterati: Poses (L$0 – L$50)
Glitterati ( 100/154/21 )



Author: Renee Lowenhart

Fabulously Free in SL ☆FabFree Blogger: www.fabfree.wordpress.com☆ ★Owner of the FabFree and FabLucky in world groups★

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