FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

The Ballad of Harambe

The Ballad of Harambe

Hey Fabs!

When I saw Aline’s post about Harambee’s 16th Anniversary Hunt HERE, I couldn’t wait to take part.  They have done so many amazing things for Kenyan kids, building schools and helping them thrive.  Harambee hunts have been around forever, and there’s always just a miniscule cost for the items in their hunt, but all those lindens add up and really help the kids.  I’ve said for a long time, the very best thing about Second Life is it’s community and it’s ability to organize around and raise money for real world causes. ♥

Splintered Creations sponsored this whole hunt, and each item is 5L.  I picked up a bunch of decor and today I’ll show you some:

  • 5L Acrylic Print – Tribe (1 of 2 in the package)
  • 5L Wooden Table with Elephant
  • 5L Elephant in a tub ( ♥)

I picked up a bunch more things but loved this Elephant in the tub oh so much, and wanted to center the elephant-y things in my post.  All the items are decor, they’re all Africa themed and they’re each just 5L.  Do a little hunting and do some good for the world at the same time ♥.

When in the jungle ….

I decided to roll with the theme and picked up this adorable set at Punk Justus.  It’s the Rendezvous set, and it comes with the top, skirt and sleeves (not shown).  It has a texture hud with a gazillion colors in solids, animal prints and florals.  It’s only 60L for the whole thing (not a weekend sale even!) and comes sized for:

  • Reborn/Waifu
  • Legacy
  • Lara X

Go forth in Harambee’s honor and hunt your little hearts out, the hunt is open from May 15th – June 30th 2024.

Peace ☮️

♥ Beachy

Beachy is wearing…


Outfit – Punk JUSTUS– Rendezvous Set (60L at mainstore)


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara X
Mesh Head – Lelutka Erin
Skin – Glam Affair FLO (Almond)
Tan Lines – .HS. Tan Line 32% – Dark Skins
Hair – Stealthic – Retreat
Brows – Nuve. Adele Eyebrows
Eyes– LOTUS. Unicorn Eyes 17 (BOM) RARE
Nails – Rosary base nails with Simplistic hud.


Table – SC: Wooden Table With Elephant (5L in Harambee’s 16th Anniversary Hunt)
Painting – SC: Acrylic Art-Tribe (5L in Harambee’s 16th Anniversary Hunt)
Elephant in tub – SC: Rub A Dub Dub Dub, Elephant In The Tub (5L in Harambee’s 16th Anniversary Hunt)

Backdrop – *VISERA* Oasis Sunset Backdrop

Author: Beachy

Second Life addict and live music lover ♥ Freebie hunter and newbie helper ♥ Fab Free Blogger and chatterbox ♥ Explorer, shopper and decorator ♥ Dirty Hippie ♥ These are all RAW photos. Taken in-world and unedited. I don't use photo editing tools.

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