FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Artic Moulin Rouge

AS Moulin Rouge 2

Hello fab readers! Have you checked out It All Starts With a Smile yet? You really should! There are so many types of terrain and environments within one place (as you can see in my post Unmeshed Has Been and this one)! It is beautiful.

Tonight I am styling a 10L outfit from Artic Storm. Artie just opened up a new location at Flawless and she is also having a 10L Cherry mini hunt in her store right now! There are ten cherries scattered around the store. Go find them! 🙂 This dress is called Moulin Rouge 2 in pink and comes with two skirt options as shown above and below.

I hope you enjoy it! °\(^‿^)~°

AS Moulin Rouge 2 too


Style Info::

Heels::  Felicity – Quinn Stilettos (GG, 30L join fee)

Skin:: *YS&YS* Marilu Skin – Mask – TDR8

Hair:: [ Love Soul ] Hair*057*Gold Blonde


Chanimations – Down the Chimney Hunt Preview!

‘Tis the season for a new batch of Christmas themed hunts and one starting on 6th December through to 20th December is the Down the Chimney Hunt. Its another relatively short hunt having only 61 stores. It focuses on stores with more of an eclectic range.

I was priviledged to be given a review copy of Chanimations sexy Moulin Rouge gift for the hunt and I am in utter and complete love. Seriously.. I nearly died when I put it on.

Inside the gift you get: The hat, the bustle, the gloves and 2 versions of the cane. You also get 4 specially crafted poses and a poseball with all of them preloaded inside. The pasties I am wearing in the pictures come from the Eternity Brides Giselle Open Cup set that you can buy for 1L upstairs at the mainstore. They match perfectly!


This picture shows off one of the 4 poses you get inside the gift.


This shows another of the poses you get in the package.


The feather detailing on the skirt and the hat are so beautifully done. There are no white outlines that can sometimes plague alpha textures. The textures on the skirt are so gorgeously sumptious, ruch and vibrant. There is real depth and shimmer to it  and it flows like a dream. The poses inside really capture the mood of the outfit too. 

One thing that I must make you aware of though is that Chanimations is situated in an ADULT rated area and so you must be age verified to go there and hunt.


Other info

+ Pin Up Skin by Curio ( not free )
+ Get Forward hair by Bishwear ( not free )
+ Fetish Cabaret photostage by Chanimations ( not free )
+ Rose Carpet by Forest Feast