FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Artic Moulin Rouge

AS Moulin Rouge 2

Hello fab readers! Have you checked out It All Starts With a Smile yet? You really should! There are so many types of terrain and environments within one place (as you can see in my post Unmeshed Has Been and this one)! It is beautiful.

Tonight I am styling a 10L outfit from Artic Storm. Artie just opened up a new location at Flawless and she is also having a 10L Cherry mini hunt in her store right now! There are ten cherries scattered around the store. Go find them! 🙂 This dress is called Moulin Rouge 2 in pink and comes with two skirt options as shown above and below.

I hope you enjoy it! °\(^‿^)~°

AS Moulin Rouge 2 too


Style Info::

Heels::  Felicity – Quinn Stilettos (GG, 30L join fee)

Skin:: *YS&YS* Marilu Skin – Mask – TDR8

Hair:: [ Love Soul ] Hair*057*Gold Blonde