FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007


Why Stop At Just A Ribbon?

Pink femboy 1_001

Ok, let’s get this out of the way… I am not advertising Kmart’s new “Prince For Men” collection coming this fall! Also, I am not role-playing as the recruiter for Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. With that out of the way, this is a jaw-droppingly gorgeous mesh outfit from Brocade Tiger and is available right now as a hunt gift. I know this isn’t for everyone, but Fab Free IS for everyone. If I see something that blows me away, I will show it to you even if I am more of a T-Shirt and jeans guy. The male community in SL is generally under-served as far as freebies and hunt items, so the niche markets contained within it are rarely shown much love at all.

The item that blew me away is this Flamingo Tux from Brocade Tiger, a truly fantastic piece of work. This 2L hunt prize from The Femboy Hunt is beautifully textured and the actual shape of the mesh is flawless. I rarely see something I would rate any higher in quality than this garment. It is a single piece of mesh, so it’s easy to wear and the fit is excellent. The color…well, it isn’t a color I wear often, and Wow! There certainly is a lot of it! The pink is superbly eye catching. This suit is definitely not meant to blend into a crowd. You don’t have to be a femboy to enjoy this outfit. There are occasional “Best In Pink” contests at dance clubs, and this outfit should definitely make you a contender for the top prize. If I were a performer in SL, like a singer, I would jump on this attention-grabbing outfit. These are both solid reasons to consider wearing it, but I saved the best reason for last.

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the United States. The majority of us have been touched by cancer in our lives through our wives, mothers, sisters, and other cherished loved ones, both in first life and in Second Life. Cancer in general, even breast cancer, is not limited to one gender. Nearly all of us are witnesses to the suffering that our friends and acquaintances face in their struggle to stay in our lives. Charity events and hunts will take place all over the grid to raise money and awareness for this very serious cause, and the color pink will be splashed all over SL in solidarity with those battling breast cancer. Running from September 26th to October 11th, The The Rock Your Rack Gridwide Hunt (10L) will be a great way for female avies to support the cause. Additionally, from October 4th to October 25th, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer’s Boobie Full Hunt (2L) will take place! While these hunts will focus on female avies, male avies should consider offering to help friends hunt in one of these charity events. It is a fun way to spend time with someone and to show your support for those around you who are valiantly fighting for their lives on a daily basis. Cancer has touched my life repeatedly. So, aside from possibly wearing this outfit for an occasional contest, this item is now in my permanent wardrobe in memory of someone I lost, someone who beat cancer twice before finally succumbing to it, someone who gave me every good quality that I possess, and none of my flaws. I will think about her as I wear this beautiful pink suit over the coming weeks and smile for having been so blessed by her love.

That is all for this week, a rare post in which I focused my attention on a single item. It is worthy of that attention, and I am glad it gave me the opportunity to mention the upcoming events in October which are extremely important. Take care and I’ll see you on the grid!—–WHC Riler

WHC is rocking the…


Pink Formal Suit – Brocade Tiger Flamingo Tux (2L/ Femboy Hunt Gift)

Eyes – IKON Ardent Eyes – Pewter
Skin – Belleza Mathieu
Hair – Dura *Dura-Boy*59(Black)


This picture was taken on the beautiful Gardens Of Absentia, a sim dedicated to helping others in a variety of areas. It is a lovely place for peaceful reflection and remembrance.

The American Cancer Society maintains a sim on Second Life and is a very good place for information and to find emotional support.




Whitney In Full Ploom


WOW WOW WOW!  Check out this stunning dress that is hidden in a hunt icon at Sassy!.  This is called Whitney and it is a full mesh gown in a gorgeous magenta colour with a sequin and satin texture to it.  There are 49 stores participating in the Femboy Hunt and it runs until July 15th.  Each item is 2L and the icon you are searching for is a prim that says FEMBOY.  NOTE – this hunt is rated PG/Mature/Adult.  You can find more info here – http://femboyhuntsl.blogspot.ca/


Love is wearing…

Skin – Ploom Lea- Dahlia (not free) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ploom/179/129/24

Eyes – IKON Sunrise Eyes Pale Warm Silver (not free) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hot/227/92/39

Hair  – Ploom Seffy (not free) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ploom/179/129/24

Sassy! Whitney Gown (2L / Femboy Hunt) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sassy/70/112/34

Jewelry – Lazuri Classic Pearl Set Color Change (free / 0L) – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/5th%20Avenue/119/120/22

Pose by Ploom – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ploom/179/129/24

Photo Location – Abduction Alley – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nestlefire/188/62/32
