FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Swingin’ Them Jingle Bells

Coming Soon to Fab Free!

When I picked up this hairstyle from RAON in the free Lelutka 12 Days of Christmas gift event, I squealed.  It’s just the cat’s pajamas don’t you think?  I was completely inspired to head over to the Time Portal and visit 1920’s New York City.  Standing in front of the newsy while listening to Fats Waller sing ‘Swinging Them Jingle Bells’ I was completely transported.  That Beachy, the good time gal 😉


That’s how I felt dressed in this outfit from Petrichor’s advent calendar.  This calendar doesn’t need a group, and each gift is only 1L and you can get past gifts!  I’m wearing the Karyanas dress and boots, and aren’t they just the bees knees?  Paired with these Azwenn glasses and earrings from the same calendar, it’s the berries.  I look marvelous.  Don’t be a patsy and skip this calendar.  The dress and boots come in these sizes:

  • Maitreya/Petite
  • Legacy/Perky/Mounds
  • Reborn
  • Kupra

The Lilly hairstyle and fascinator is by RAON and you can pick it up in their store free for Lelutka’s 12 Days of Christmas.  Fab Free made a spreadsheet of all the SLURLS/pics and gifts in this event and you can find it here.  All you need to do is TP over, join the free group and pick up your gift.  The hairstyle comes with the bun and the bangs, a full color hud, a package of EvoX hairbases and the fascinator in many different colors.  I must say, I’m a real looker 😉

Peace ☮

♥ Beachy

Beachy is wearing…


Dress – :[P&E]:– Karyanas Body (1L Advent gift/No group join required)
Glasses – :[P]:– Azwenn Glasses (1L Advent gift/No group join required)
Earrings – :[P]:– Azwenn  Earrings (1L Advent gift/No group join required)
Hat – RAONHair – Fascinator (Free gift for Lelutka’s 12 Days of Christmas/Group is free to join)
Shoes – :[P&E]:– Karyanas Boots  (1L Advent gift/No group join required)


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Lelutka Erin
Skin – Glam Affair FLO (Almond)
Hair – RAON – Lilly Hairstyle  (Free gift for Lelutka’s 12 Days of Christmas/Group is free to join)
Brows – Nuve. Adele Eyebrows
Eyes– LOTUS. Unicorn Eyes 17 (BOM) RARE
Nails –Maitreya

SIM –Time Portal

Author: Beachy Piers

Second Life addict and live music lover ♥ Freebie hunter and newbie helper ♥ Fab Free Blogger and chatterbox ♥ Explorer, shopper and decorator ♥ Dirty Hippie ♥ These photos all taken in Firestorm with no editing tools, just EEPs. Our designers create beautiful things, no reason to enhance!

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