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Spooky, Ooky Thursday

Cristal Store Ghost outfit 55 Thursday 9-28-23 2_001

I got an early jump on Halloween costumes today. I usually wear a costume every day in October so I like to upgrade. I’m sure with another Shop & Hop starting on October 5th and a number of seasonal hunts we’ll all be swimming in spooky stuff. If you’re a fan of visiting spooky/haunted places those are popping up all over the grid with many more to come. I found a spooky seaside town to roam today. It’s very well done.

It’s Thursday!

For me Thursdays brings another chance to pick up sale items (like I really need more clothing, accessories, etc)! Today’s Fifty5 Thursdays sale caused a squee moment. I found my first Halloween outfit at Cristal’s Creations. This cute garb is the Belinda Ghost outfit that I grabbed for only $55L! Score!! You get the entire outfit for that price: top & sleeves, skirt, panty, horns, & heels with what was called “windowpane” stockings when I was a mere teen. The top has a texture with cute little ghosties floating around on it. I’m not sure how many days the sale items are out so if this one suits you don’t wait to get it. *Note, it is sized only for Maitreya.*

The spooky spot I visited today is the Al FNA Halloween in Fisherman’s Cove. It’s a lovely little seaside town all decked out for Halloween. I do recommend a visit there.

Get busy cleaning out your inventory so you’ll have room for all the upcoming goodies. I should heed my own advice!



Cre is wearing:


Outfit – Cristal’s Creations Belinda Ghost ($55L for Fifty5 Thursdays sale)


Body – Maitreya Lara V5.3
Head – Lelutka EvoX KAYA 3.1
Skin – Nuve Lizzie skin Sunkissed 
Shape – By Yenne Mary Jane
Tattoo – Carol G Lace – Underboob Tattoo BOM
Eyebrows-   Nuve Amanda Eyebrows ginger – Evo X
Hair – No_Match No_Cookies
Eyes – Lovelysweet Laura eyes 5))
Lipstick – She Said Destroy Vendetta (Previously shown by Scarlet)
Eyeshadow – Izzie’s Gloom Eyeshadow


Author: crecre

Blogger in Second Life. Involved in SL Live Music as artist manager, venue manager, & hostess over the years.

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