FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Fortunes Told


Fortunes Told

My fortune cookie told me to seek out new landscapes, so I’m doing just that!  Actually, it didn’t really say that… what it actually says it that I’ll be hungry again in an hour, so I may as well work off some calories now.  (Yes, that is ACTUALLY what is written on it).


Havoc is hosting a hunt over the next few weeks!  The Sunkissed Summer Hunt will see new prizes added every Friday.  This week, search for three coconuts on the sim and you’ll end up with three great free prizes (just join their group for free!).  I’m not entirely certain if these prizes are disappearing and being replaced, or when they’ll go, so I suggest you go hunt now.  It’s not too hard of a hunt, so you should get’er done pretty quickly.


  • Hourglass
  • Kupra
  • Legacy
  • Maitreya
  • Reborn

Since when did fortune cookies get so judgy?


Aline is Wearing…


Dress – Havoc Rachelle (Free Gift on the Sunkissed Summer Hunt/Group is Free to Join)
Cookie – PewPew! Fortune Cookie
Earrings – Ysoral Laila


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Lelutka Cate
Skin Applier – Glam Affair Cate
Eyes– Euphoric Dolly Babe Eyes
Tattoo – Sn@tch Filigree Sternum Tattoo
Eyeshadow – Alaskametro Coral
Lipstick – Alaskametro Coral 
Nails – Maitreya Lara
Hair – Magika Celeste
Sim – Pemberley

Author: Aline Passiflora

Aline loves to go shopping in Second Life, and buy all sorts of clothes. She also has a special place in her heart for cute freebies. Oh, and anything with a cat on it. xox http://www.alinepassiflora.wordpress.com http://www.fabfree.wordpress.com