FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Green and Brown Hawkers

Hawker's House - Green Cargo Shirt MENStuff GG

I found lots of gifts at Hawker’s House. If you are a member of the MENStuff Group, wear your tag and pick up the Green Cargo Shirt. There is also a gift for the Make Him Over Group members. Wear your tag and receive the Brown Bomber Vest. (I might be breaking an unwritten rule by wearing them both together)  🙂

Hawker's House - Brown Bomber Vest MHO GG

Don’t forget to pick up the free monthly gift, the green Cruise Shirt. There is also a bag for new avatars by the door.

Hawker's House - Cruise Shirt

* Hawker’s House – Green Cargo Shirt ($0L)
MENStuff Group Gift
* Hawker’s House – Brown Bomber Vest ($0L)
Make Him Over Group Gift
* Hawker’s House – Cruise Shirt ($0L)
Free Gift

* Poses – BeScene Poses
Not Free

Fab Carson

Author: Carson Caiben

Blogger, troublemaker, (according to certain fellow bloggers) can be quite vexing, but an all around good guy. Please send review copies in a folder with any information necessary such as, Hunt, Lucky Chair, Midnight Mania Board, Group Gift and dates the item will be available.

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