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Just for the Guys: Beowulf Avatar


Beowulf - BodyThis tip comes from Faerie Hax:

Located on the Farhaven sim is a vendor to advertise the new movie Beowulf. Doing a quick search on the map for Beowulf I found a sim dedicated to the movie ala CSI with the full newbie tutorial. At the end of the tutorial on Beowulf Island is also the same vendor to get the avatar.

Click the movie poster and 2 things happen:

1. You are entered into a drawing to win a VIP seat to the live Q&A with Beowulf screenwriters, Neil Gaimen and Roger Avery, on Saturday, November 10th at 11AM SLT and two free movie tickets from MovieTickets.com.

2. You receive an avatar that is a replica of the main character from the film Beowulf. The full avatar comes with shape, skin, ponytail, shoes, kilt, bald base, sword, and eyes. Most of the clothing is part of the skin with only the skirt layer for the kilt. There is a prim ponytail that goes in the back. and the sword is scripted.

This avatar is available at the Farhaven location until about Sunday and then it will be located on Beowulf Island while the sim is open. Also on Beowulf Island is a free movie t-shirt along the tutorial stations.

Beowulf - FaceBeowulf - SideBeowulf - Back

Beowulf Island: Beowulf Avatar($0L)
Beowulf Island(144,175,32)

Farhaven: Beaowulf Avatar($0L)

Total cost: $0L

Fab Cherlindrea

6 thoughts on “Just for the Guys: Beowulf Avatar

  1. Ooh, I just saw this today! There’s another one of these located in the Barcola sim, along the roadway between Paper Couture and Ingrid Ingersoll’s shop.


  2. That’s absolutely brilliant!


  3. Thank you for making a Just For Guys category. I hope to find more here soon!


  4. You are welcome. I just wish there was more to offer for the guys. Don’t forget the click the men category as well. Those have items for men in them but also for women.


  5. good pictures 🙂


  6. Nice Work man Your blog is so great.Thanks very much for posting this topic
