FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Fabulous Finds 08.26.23 Edition

[Fetch] Bunched Rug @ Fifty Linden Friday Birthday Bash!

Free Gift @ FLF Birthday Bash/Group is Free to Join by Fetch

LuhleLaza | Genisis_Shape| Lelutka Kaya head 3.1

1L on Marketplace by Luhle Laza Store

eerie . My Love Group Gift

Free Group Gift/Group is 50L to Join @ eerie

//Naberius// Cerberus Guardian Statues ( TWS Special Anniversary G'Gift )

Free Gift @ The Warehouse Sale/Group is Free to Join by Naberius

NEW Free Teaser Dance from NICOLA VOL2

Free Group Gift/Group is Free to Join @ Move!

1.a Versois Et Mailloux - For Walkin_ Boots

Free Gift for Members of Binge Events Group/Group is Free to Join @ Versoix et Mailloux

::C'est la vie !:: Sasha Hair Pin GIFT at TWS

Free Gift @ The Warehouse Sale/Group is Free to Join by C’est La Vie 

Author: Aline Passiflora

Aline loves to go shopping in Second Life, and buy all sorts of clothes. She also has a special place in her heart for cute freebies. Oh, and anything with a cat on it. xox http://www.alinepassiflora.wordpress.com http://www.fabfree.wordpress.com

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