FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007




I have a bit of a quirky story behind this post. I knew I wanted to blog these fantastic shoes, but I just had a difficult time finding a dress to match them for at least two weeks, making it difficult to post quickly. The shoes are so fantastic. They’re a really cool pair of snake skin heels  with golden snake detailing around the ankles . They are just stunning! They are a bit difficult to match with say… St. Patty’s day outfits. Yep, I tried that! I didn’t really work out for me… I wonder why. In the end,  I picked a cute little black dress to wear with them. You really need to wear something simple and chic to show off these shoes when you wear them!

Snake Skin…

You can get these awesome shoes for only 1L on the Marketplace. They are made by E.D.D.A. What a steal for such unique and high-class footware! You can see a detail of the heels below.

Sizes Included

  • Slink
  • Maitreya
  • Legacy
  • Belleza
  • Kupra


Enjoy, Fabs!



Caroline is Wearing…

Clothes & Accessories

Dress – Adore Amore Fashion Clara Knit Dress
Shoes – E.D.D.A. Serena Heels Gift (1L on the Marketplace)


Hair – Wings ER0106 – Reds (60L for Happy Weekend)
Mesh Body – The Shops Legacy
Mesh Head – Lelutka Lake – EvoX
Head Skin – Dernier Hannah – Sienna
Body Skin – Nuve Basic Body Skin v2 – Fair
Neck Fix & Ear Skins – Velour EvoX Ear Skins and Neck Fix – Sienna (Free/No Group Join Required) Previously blogged here.
Eyes – Lelutka Lake – EvoX

Photo Location – Private Location


Author: Caroline Walker

Caroline loves to share stuff she finds with the world and write fun things about them. She is a passionate blogger, photographer and lover of fashion who has contributed to FabFree since 2019. She also loves cats and is a serious coffee addict.

3 thoughts on “Undecided

  1. Another pair of shoes I NEED!! Thanks for sharing MP Queen : D


  2. Thank you! Hope you like them shoe queen! 😀


  3. Reblogged this on Caroline Walker.
