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Rumpled but Cute


Rumpled but Cute

Happy Weekend Fab Free!

I’m thinking about the days when I used to stay up til the wee hours, dancing the night away.  I could dance for ages (I still can by the way!!!) and then wake up the next morning fresh as a tiddly, and ready to wink! (bahaha!).  Well, that’s my look today – the Saturday morning rumpled, just got out of bed, but still look flipping fantastic look.  I’ve got all the deets!

Strip it Good

Ok, so weird subtitle, but Vanilla Bae are the specialists of the strippable outfit.  Yep, you click on it a few times, and then bit by bit it slithers off your body and disappears into the ether.  I was telling you about some lucky boards there the other day, but today I’ll tell you about this cute top you can get as a group gift with the 100L join fee.  There are other gifts to be had as well, including access to the lucky boards which are full of goodies.  This top comes with 6 different colours in the HUD, and I must say that I highly enjoy the flowery design on the top.  Don’t you?


  • Freya
  • Hourglass
  • Isis
  • Maitreya

I Can See!

Boutique 187 has a cute free gift for you at the Cosmopolitan event – these cute Eiffel-esque glasses in a cheery gold hue.  They please me infinitely.  You can grab your own pair by joining the Cosmopolitan group for free!  The gift is right by the entry doors to the event.

Now go forth, my little ones – and take Saturday by the horns!



Top: Vanilla Bae Lexi Top (Free Group Gift/Group is 100L to Join)
Skirt: Revelation Brit Skirt
Glasses: Boutique 187 Grid Glasses Gold (Free Group Gift at Cosmopolitan)


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head – Lelutka Cate
Head Applier –  Glam Affair Cate
Eyebrows– Jumo Britani
Eyes– Euphoric Dolly Babe Eyes
Eyeshadow Applier –  Lelutka Cate
Lipstick Applier –  Lelutka Cate
Nail Polish Applier – Maitreya Lara
Tattoo – Sn@tch Filligree Sternum Tattoo
Hair – Pr!tty Brea
Sim – Private


Author: Aline Passiflora

Aline loves to go shopping in Second Life, and buy all sorts of clothes. She also has a special place in her heart for cute freebies. Oh, and anything with a cat on it. xox http://www.alinepassiflora.wordpress.com http://www.fabfree.wordpress.com

5 thoughts on “Rumpled but Cute

  1. Have a fab Saturday doll!!!! Its cold and snowy here…..still!!!! Gotta love spring in the Midwest! Stay cool!!!



  2. Such perfect wording 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Aw Georgia! Thank youuuu! Your compliment made my day! xoxoxo

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I hear ya Azure – We’re in the middle of an ice storm up here, so spring has decided that instead of springing, it’s going to bury its head in the snow and ice. What fun! xoxox

    Liked by 1 person

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