FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

This Is It


It has been a year since the death of the music icon, Michael Jackson.  To commerate his life and achievements many designers have gifts available through the weekend.  The MJ outfit is a gift at Kiss This! throughout the weekend.  There is a male and female version of the white suit, maybe Carson will show us how this looks on men sometime today.

The Michael and Farrah poses were gifts at NLimbo last year.  I’m not sure if these poses are still available but it’s worth a look around.

Micheal is one of the most influential people in music history.  His voice is pristine and flawless.  He is truly one of my favorite artists of all time.  I couldn’t pick just one, but below are three of my favorite songs by the late great Micheal Jackson.  R.I.P Michael Joseph Jackson 1958-2009

Feel free to share you’re favorite MJ songs in the comments!


*Kiss This!: MJ Outfit (L$0)
Morden Island ( 26/174/740 )

*Baby Monkey: Molly Flats (Past Gift)
Dindrane Elfor ( 220/47/46 )

*Amacci: Carlisa Hair (Not Free)
Amacci ( 203/96/22 )

*Blowpop: Elizabeth Skin (Not Free)
Boudoir Isle ( 45/104/23 )

*NLimbo: Poses (Past Gift)
Southern Comfort 1 ( 112/72/23 )



Author: Renee Lowenhart

Fabulously Free in SL ☆FabFree Blogger: www.fabfree.wordpress.com☆ ★Owner of the FabFree and FabLucky in world groups★

5 thoughts on “This Is It

  1. hopefully i do this right, haha.

    but this is my all-time favorite MJ song. and the video is so theatrical, looovee ittt. <33

    i can't believe it's been a year already. 😦 so sad..


  2. Thank you so much for blogging our store and this outfit!

    *major MJ fan*


  3. Oh Vixxie, Check this one out. I swear his videos are a production!


  4. that one is fantastic too! so was “ghost” and “smooth criminal”, though i guess they *were* productions, haha.
