FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

We all want something beautiful

We all want something beautiful

Hey hey, Fab Fam! I hope your week is going well. When my week isn’t going to plan, I take some comfort in one of the beautiful places on the Grid. Like this stunning garden. This is part of the grounds around the Grove Country Club and Art Center. There are many lovely places in Second Life but this is one of the best!

So if I’m going to wander this idyllic garden, I needed the perfect garden party dress. S@bbia is offering this gorgeous yellow ruffle trimmed dress that fits the bill. Plus, it’s free! The “Cold Shoulder ” dress is this month’s Group gift for the free to join S@bbia group. I love this classic design, it’s modest and pretty and oh so feminine. It’s going to have a special place in my closet. How about yours?

Sizes Included

  • FitMesh
  • Legacy
  • Maitreya
  • Reborn

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Juli’s Stylin’

  • Mesh Body – Maitreya – Lara
  • Mesh Head – LeLutka – Kaya – (With my own edited shape)
  • Ears – Swallow – Crossover
  • Eyes – Ikon – Babylon – Forest & Passion
  • Skin + Freckles – The Skinnery – Amie + Maitreya Body Applier + The Face Bundle
  • Hair  – Doux – Blush
  • Shoes – S@bbia – Strappy Sandals – Also a free group gift still available!

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Dress – S@bbia – – FREE/0L – Free gift for the S@bbia Group – Group is free to join

Photo Location – The Grove Country Club