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Free *Cupcakes


Did somebody say Cupcakes?! Ok, I may not have a delightful little cake for you with icing but I still consider this a treat and just as sweet. I randomly popped into Cupcakes to take a look at some of their skins, and was beaconed by their Lucky Chair to have a seat. Who can resist a Lucky Chair?! Plus lady luck looked like she was on my side, because I was able to get my hands on two skins, for the magical cost of $free.99, and let me tell you, $free.99 is my favorite price point. So lets take a look at the goodies.


This first skin is called Emma, and I would say it looks sweeter than a cupcake. Its perfect for the change in seasons, as the sun tans begin to lighten up for the fall and winter. Oh, and those rosy cheeks should be able to weasel you out of trouble any day, the skin just looks so innocent even if you aren’t. However, if you want a little bit of drama, you can always add some lipstick and eyeshadows, since the skin has a really great neutral look.

The second skin, Kate, has more summer color left over and would be a great transition between your summer and winter skin.

As you may notice, there are some serious curves dipping and winding around this shape, and I love when I come across a mesh outfit that doesn’t hide much of those curves.  So you could only imagine the heart stopping joy I experienced when I found these two outfits. How much you ask? Oh, only my favorite price of $free.99, they are group gifts offered from Liv-Glam at the Cosmopolitan Club and Lounge Mall. You have to join and wear the Cosmopolitan group tag to get the gifts inside Liv-Glam’s store.


The outfit that I am wearing with the Emma Skin is called, Members Gift 005 and comes with all the accessories except the shoes. Oh and fear not, those shoes are relatively free, you have to join Felicity’s group for $30Ls and you pretty much get 6 free shoes. Yes, you read correctly, 6 (S-I-X) free shoes. At the end of the day, adding that group is a long term investment.

As for the outfit with the Kate Skin, it is called Mariah Frill Dress and only comes  with the dress, but who could turn down that sexy dress. It has an eye-catching pattern and rich red accents that should make you the hottest person on the sim.

At the end of the day, I rather take these Cupcakes over regular cupcakes… unless we’re talking Red Velvet Cupcakes.

Get The Look


*Cupcakes- Emma- Crystal- Terracotta

*Cupcakes- Kate- Pumpkin- Fall

Free- http://slurl.com/secondlife/Cupcakes/190/110/24


Liv-Glam Fall 2012- Members Gift 005 (Black and gold)

Liv-Glam Fall 2012- Mariha Frill Dress (Red and cheetah)

Join Cosmopolitan- group for free, for now, and wear group tag to get the goodies



Felicity 3000 Members Group Gift -join $30L and get 6 free shoes



Fab-u-lous : Teairra: $150L


Photos taken at:


{mimi}.:: Girl Pose Set $10L


Author: Youngbeliznlady

I'm a budget fashionista just like you

10 thoughts on “Free *Cupcakes

  1. We are counting on you new ppl to post about halloween events hunts and so onnot this stuff right now. Can you plz do that ?


  2. Thank you for your comment Sensimel, but I personally like cupcakes even in October. We have been showing a ton of halloween items, hunt items and also free gifts from events. Drea – Welcome to FabFree, your writing is so cheery, I find myself smiling as I read.


  3. Just because it’s October does not mean we will only cover Halloween hunts, there are still free gifts, special events, and sales throughout the year and I don’t feel they should take a back seat to the Halloween madness, that would not be fair to our readers.


  4. I enjoy looking at a variety of free items, even though I like Halloween. Not everyone is interested in this holiday, so diversity is good.

    Here is a link to a great directory of freebie blogs. It shows each blog’s most recent post. I looked on there and saw plenty of Halloween gifts.


    (Hope it is ok to share that link, but FabFree posts are shown on there, too!)


  5. Great post and yummy skin Drea <3<3


  6. Thank you everyone, I appreciate your comments. Sensimel, I hear your feedback, don’t worry I’ll have Halloween post too, just didn’t want to pass up sharing the information on free skins.


  7. The skins look great! I enjoy seeing the diversity of items out there along with the hunt items. It keeps things fresh! Welcome aboard!


  8. Awesome post babe. I do love Cupcakes skins & Felicity shoes, but honey there are 12 pairs of Group Gift shoes in Felicity & a tattoo as well. They are all gorgeous… Look behind the billboard in the center of the shop, there are 3 extra gift boxes =D

    Also thank you for the post about the free dresses at Cosmopolitan. They are GORGEOUS!!! xoxox


  9. Thank you for letting us know, Nomi.

    It’s easy to over look gifts. People can go there and see for themselves.

    Youngbeliznlady, I can tell you put a lot of work into your posts and pictures, and I think all the info you provide is great. The main reason to blog is to have fun, and as long as you are having fun, don’t worry about the small stuff. 🙂


  10. Anytime Genna =D & Keep up the good work, Youngbeliznlady – Love your posts! xoxox
