FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007



I met an SL-celebrity today.. just ‘out in the open’… lol… noo but seriously… like in RL, i almost faint, my heart-rate raises and all.. when I see a celebrity.. well this happend to me just today when I met: Tuli Asturias… from ::Tuli::…  and!! Valentino LittleBoots from >>Foam<< (who are both in this post also ;))yay! And I am soo sad.. cause i forgot to take a snapshot for proof…. cause I totally fainted… lol ;).. anyhooo…. back to business and freeness:

 Farah for FabFree

First up are these *Faith* exclusive groupgifts skins from Tuli (yay!). I don’t know how many times I can say it.. but these are gorgeous! Foam is a new hairshop in town, with great new – other than seen before – hairstyles… check it out!

Tuli – Faith Groupgift exclusive – 0L (groupgift; 250L to join)

Foam – The Lioness – 0L

 Farah for FabFree

Last up in this post is Uma skins from Rockberry, which I’m sure are inspired by the SL-celebrity blogger Uma! Anyway… whatever the inspiration was.. these are soooo lovely!

 Rockberry – Uma exclusive groupgift – 0L (groupgift in notices )

Hair shown is also from Foam but not free.


xxx Farah

Author: Farah Palmer

I love fashion, freebies, second life and blogging about it. http://www.flickr.com/photos/farahpalmer/ http://farahpalmer.wordpress.com

4 thoughts on “ohwmygoodiess!

  1. Wow, thanks for the heads up (is there a pun in there somewhere?) on Foam.. LOVE the Lioness hairstyle. I had to laugh at the note card included with the hairstyle: “These hairstyles are for avatars with attitude”.



  2. yess they are!! I ❤ them too shang! really different from other hairstyles!


  3. Aww..I have to say something here. 😉 If there is something I am not is an sl-celebrity, or at least I like to believe that and that’s how I feel. Sometimes, people put us in a ‘weird’ and ‘imaginary pedestal’ or label us as someone that we’re not (unreachable, distant, arrogant and/or too important to care, I’ve seen others think that) and suddenly we’re being thought of and judged as such. However I can’t say that I’m not flattered, but flattered by the love support and feedback I get from others and I will never take it for granted. What we do, as bloggers is also show our love/appreciation for designers who put so much effort and work helping us have fun doing what we love the most (whether is just dressing our pixels in game or blogging it out to the world). On another note, both skins totally rock on you and the hairs, I have to agree, we need a ol’ lotta attitude lol!! xoxo Uma ^^


  4. Hi Uma,

    I totally agree… btw I never ment to call you an SL-celebrity, meaning it in a ‘diva’-kind of way. I know u are not! To be honest, the other fabfree bloggers and myself are frequently being approached as “sl-celebrity”.. screaming.. oohh I ❤ u… ❤ ur blog… and well it’s really nice to know ppl appreciate us, but we are just people too.. (only on a budget! ;)). And it’s true to never take anything for granted! I’m sure I don’t!
    Last of all.. I love to blog, love to hunt for freebies, love to play dress up doll… soo I am very thankfull too all of the great desingers and our readers and fellow-freebie lovers!

    Thank you for your great comment, Uma!

