FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007



I love cute heels, in RL and especially on SL.  When I first started SL I didn’t buy lindens so in order to afford to buy my heels was to play the slots and when I got lucky I was able to buy a new pair.  Once the shoes with the feet came out and you had to color match the feet, my wonderful husband took on the task of making sure my cute shoes and feet all matched my ankles.

N-Core was my goto store,  I probably have every pair they made back then sitting in my inventory collecting dust.  Once mesh came out and more shoes designers got into the game I still go back to N-Core not only for their quality and great designs, but also the group gifts and this sexy pair of heels I am wearing is just one of the free gifts available.

The pink handbag is a free gift from Kuroi, it doesn’t have a pose included but it makes a great decoration or if you have the skill you can add your own animations.


  • Erika
  • Gen X
  • Kupra
  • Reborn
  • Maitreya

Starla is Wearing…


Heels – N-Core Gem (Group Gift/99L to join group)


Mesh Body – Maitreya Lara
Mesh Head  – Lelutka Zora
Skin – The Skinnery Antonia
Rings – Kunst April
Handbag – Kuroi Cute Peach Bag (Free Gift/No group required)

Bench – Nutmeg Classic Bedroom Bench (Part of the Classic Bedroom Set)