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KOOQLA Group Gift Skin


Fanceey Darkstone spoke about a group gift skin at a store called KOOQLA in group chat earlier today and so I had to go and take a look as I was curious and I do like to find new skin stores in SL.

Be sure to join the group and click the TUBE ON THE POSTER not the poster itself, while wearing the group tag, to be able to snag the gift skins!

It also comes with a blue lipstick tattoo layer. Shown below is how it looks with and without!

Thank you for the tip Fanceey! This is a great skin and Im sure everyone will love it!

Free and Under 10L
Skin by KOOQLA (Group Gift)
Nipple tape by Lacys – 1L (Marketplace)
Black Thong by Siri’s – 1L (Marketplace)

Not Free
Muse Corset by Etchaflesh 99L Promo on Marketplace
(lots more 99L Promotions in their Marketplace store so take a look!)

Unfold hair by Elikatira

3 thoughts on “KOOQLA Group Gift Skin

  1. Can you give us info on that gorgeous skin you’re wearing? Thanks.


  2. The post is about the skin Lucia.. its the Group Gift from KOOQLA 🙂


  3. I’m an idiot and clearly need more sleep. =)

    Thank you.
