FabFree – Fabulously Free in SL

Simply Fabulous Free and Under L$75 Finds in Second Life – Since 2007

Happy 9th Anniversary Fabulously Free in SL!


Fabulously Free in SL is 9 whole years old today – September 6th, 2016, as it was formed on September 6th 2007 by Cherlindrea Lamont.    With your patience and support, we have seen numerous modifications to our organization, bending and stretching it where it was needed to keep things going, and we sincerely appreciate the bountiful amount of helping friendly hands that have pushed FabFree one step further to where it is today.  A big thank you goes out to all of our current and past bloggers, group moderators and members, designers and readers!

With that, we have our winners for FabFree’s 9th Anniversary Contest!


Thank you to everyone that participated. All of your entries warmed our hearts!  Prizes will be sent out today 🙂 ENJOY!

1st Place: 300L – StormPriestess

Nights when I can’t sleep
Silence in the house, not a peep
In my sleepless fog
Online I go to the FabFree blog
I sneak in and take a peek
Oh the treasures I seek
Each day a new deal
Oh how happy I feel
Not just one, up to four
Group gifts, hunts and many more
Not that I’m a miser
Shopping for less is just wiser
So happy 9th birthday Fabfree
A loyal follower you’ve found in me

2nd Place: 200L – Lunari Viatruso

At Fabfree’s start,
Roots began to delve deep,
With heart and soul,
it flourished and grew,
the shop changed and moved,
but it alwwys had heart,
like its bloggers many or few.
Like a tree the community grew,
we love our Fabfree and the contests too.
With the shop there and gone,
we felt the loss like those who ran it,
but in fond memories we’ll always have it
and in screenies too, I know I do.
May the Fabfree always be,
With love from me, my friends & family,
Thank you for so many things,
and everything you do in being you.
— Lunari Viatruso

3rd Place: 100L – Nesca Fey (feyonce)

By Nesca Fey
It used to be a tough life for me,
when an SL newbie I used to be.
I was poor, homeless and quite ugly,
with nothing but default inventory.
I searched for clothes and skin and hair
on the SL marketplace and everywhere,
camping or searching for money trees,
to be able to scoop up some dollarbies
I’d stare in awe at the beautiful models I’d see
Thinking one day that could be me.
I dreamed of a life of SL luxury.
If only I had some Linden money.
Then one bright and sunny SL day,
My luck changed in an amazing way.
While surfing the net for SL freebies,
I chanced upon a blog that changed SL for me.
It was called ‘Fabulously Free’.
It showed amazing free gifts, made beautifully –
Clothes, accessories, skins and everything I’d ever need,
Offered by top designers, the finest indeed!
I felt I had discovered hidden treasure.
My happiness could not be measured!
A lovely handbag was the first free gift I got
I loved it so much that another I bought.
Soon, my inventory was full and my worries were gone,
I transformed from ugly duckling to beautiful swan.
Fabfree also helped me discover my passion
And paved a way for me into the world of fashion
Now those beautiful models no longer do I envy
Because they are my friends now, and among them I be
I still look forward to each hunt and group giftie
Grateful to the lovely designers and the angels at Fabfree!
Now I also try to help those struggling newbies,
who remind me of the time when that was me.
If they can’t afford Lindens, I tell them not to worry,
They can still enjoy a Second Life that is Fabulously free!

4th Place: 50L – Jacx Broome (jacxie.broome)

Happy Birthday to FabFree and Happy Rez Day to me. FabFree and I have grown up together since September 6, 2007. It sure has been an exciting and sometimes bumpy ride to get here 9 years later.
About a week or so after Jacx was born, dancing and listening to music at my favorite club. When one of my new friends (a guy no less (LOL) Said to me ” I have this link for a blog where they show free clothes you can get.” This was my introduction to FabFree. From Farrah and Renee, to the lovely ladies of today, to keep me and my ever expanding out of control inventory (101,893 and rising) current with gifts, groups to join, awesome pictures to look at. What more could a girl who loves clothes ask for..
So for the last 9 years every morning after coffee and before I log in SL, I open FabFree to see where I will be shopping that day. LOL. Sure has been a ton of fun. And I thank FabFree and all the ladies past and present, for helping me be one of the best dressed ladies on the grid. 🙂

5th Place: 50L – Cris Coursey (ccoursey)

I’ve been reading FabFree since my first year in Second Life when a friend pass it to me.  I do my own blog now Currently Cris, but still watch FabFree since it shows so many different stores and looks.  When I was a host, we did events at every set and it was always fun to find stuff to help with the looks I needed among the FabFree blog.
There was a post Love Trill did that inspired me and stuck in my head, it was from at least two years ago of her in a Junbug dress prancing in the grass.  It was a gorgeous look, but it was so easy to achieve that when I was asked to blog fashion that was the style/idea/look I wanted.  Something fun, pretty, and easy that would make someone else look twice.
I love the FabFree blog and have passed it to several, because it’s a great way to get started in Second Life when you are finding your feet about what you like and where to find it.
CCoursey resident

6th Place: 50L – Elberouge

I remember, yes it was years ago, I remember newness, I remember being in awe – seeing beauty in SL extending out to the web – I remember the pretty people on the FabFree blog. I remember overcoming my fan-shyness and writing a note in world to  Whisper Swansong, telling her how beautiful her posts were, I remember her kind answer. I remember learning, getting first positive IMs about an item and the “Wow you got that for free” comments, and starting directing people to Fabfree headquarters. I remember helping others, getting to like the freebster community, refering every noob to Fabfree as a can’t-do-without tool. I remember meeting my 1st real friend because she asked me about a scarf that I found thanks to FabFree – and yes she still is, four years later, my best friend here, and that scarf of friendship still sits in my invent – why just yesterday Pru published a group gift from that same designer – not everything vanishes in SL, true friendships and good designs last! I remember – yes strangely enough I also remember her invent – yes from that first time I helped her get that scarf, I then guided her to many more Fabulous items and I memorized her invent, better than she ever tackled it – to this day I can guide her into it. And then there were happy times, at the Fabfree sim, the gifts and hunts, oh the fun we had. I remember becoming an expert amongst my friends, people asking me about the sales, the manias, the gifts, the blogs – telling me I should start one – starting a blog? I laughed – it’s all already out there, read FabFree my friends. I remember a sense of belonging, a sense of place, I remember comfort, counting on all that and the beem bam whut ouch utter panick at the idea that this might close and end – it felt like I might be losing a home, a dear part of my SL. I remember freebsters and fashion lovers cried and begged and yay FabFree remained as a blog!
I hope there will be so much more beautiful things to remember… Thanks to all the people who gave and give their time to make Fabfree what it is, thanks for all these lovely memories!

Author: Love Trill

Hey, :) I'm Love and have been a resident in SecondLife since March of 2010. I love to shop and explore in SL - and share my adventures with you! I am currently blogging at Fabulously Free in SL and on my personal blog - Slovesadventures

5 thoughts on “Happy 9th Anniversary Fabulously Free in SL!

  1. Congrats to the winners and thank you to all our loyal readers over the years! ❤


  2. Wow!!

    This is so cool! The creator of this blog’s name is Cherlindrea!!!


    Congratz for a great page growing strong!!!



  3. Thank you other Sherlyndrea! 😀


  4. Congrats to our winners! I always knew we had the best readers on the Grid!


  5. Thank you so much to all that entered and Congratulations to the winners!
