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Doing a Bit of Decorating


A Bathroom Update

Doing some decorating.

My bathroom needed a virtual pick-me-up. I found just what I needed at Storax Tree. They are offering a lovely new gift for FabFree group members and since our group is free to join this gorgeous mesh rug is free too! It is just 2 prim and has mermaids on it and made me want to redo my bathroom space. (It also has a resize script in it, if you find it’s not quite the size you need).

So I set it down there… but I knew the little area was missing out on something.

The missing piece.

I picked up just what I needed at Mystique for 25L Tuesday. Thankfully, they leave their 25L Tuesday stuff out a few days after Tuesdays, so you’ll still be able to pick up this gorgeous sink and over the sink cabinet for the same 25L price that I got it. They come as a set together for the single price and the set includes poses (including some naughty ones if you are adventurous 😉 The set is 11 prim total together, but well worth it for the detail and poses you’ll be getting in my mind. Plus the price is hard to beat!

PS. If you don’t like the creme color I picked out for the sink, it also came in a brown and a pink for the same price!


The Stuff…

Bathroom Set –  Mystique – Bathroom Sink Bura in Creme – (25L for 25L Tuesday) – hurry, it’s still sitting out!

Rug – Storax Tree – Simple Elegance Mesh Braided 19 Rug Mid (no copy) – (Fabfree group gift/0L/Group is Free to Join)

Sim – Private Location

Astrids Signature

Author: Astrid de Manyet

I write and stuff!

4 thoughts on “Doing a Bit of Decorating

  1. Thanks, Carson!


  2. I can’t find the rug anywhere at Storax Tree


  3. It’s next to the FabFree sign above the door. Hope this helps! 🙂
