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PixelDolls VIP GroupGift


PixelDolls sent out a box of group gifts … in case you missed out one, or you aren´t already a member of the group, head over to PixelDolls store and touch the subscribe-o-matic to be added. Touch it again, go to History, it´s the 1st notice atm.

Here`s the message:

Hi everybody! By request, here is a compiled box of all the group gifts I have distributed in the last few months, for those that missed them. New joinups to the group will also get this box upon joining, so pass the word around! ❤

You will receive “Gloss Swimwear Indigo”, “Ribbon Boots”, “Helene Dress Indigo”, “Pinestripe BootyShorts n Tights”, “Print Bikini & Dotted Shirt”, “Amity Dress black”, “Noveau Corset”, “Halter Mini black”, “Stripe Top”, “High Button Mini Skirt” and  Stella di Roccia skin in 8 skin tones.

Enjoy your generous gift 🙂


Author: hsm


3 thoughts on “PixelDolls VIP GroupGift

  1. The subscriber for that group has a great feature, like Frick’s group, it doesn’t add to your number of SL groups.. this is something I found very valuable.. Thanks again for this!


  2. I agree, AlterEgo!
    AND both designers are very generous 🙂

    I´ve updated this post because PixelDolls has sent out a 50L giftcard!


  3. ooops …. the gift card was given out just for one day … sorry!
